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4/29/2010 01:04:51 pm

Fiddlesticks is not listed as a mage-assassin, but is probably the most effective at it. With most Fiddles players, people make a mistake of building on Ability Power (AP). This is not a smart move. Fiddle's moves don't benefit greatly from AP. Instead, you should use magic penetration. Building up on sorcerer's shoes and Haunting Guises is the most effective for magic penetration. His passive (dread) helps with this build as well.
For your first ability, learn Terrify (Q). Alternate between this and Drain, for they are a potent combination. Upgrade crow-storm whenever possible. Dont touch dark wind unless you want to farm or need to silence enemies. Fiddles works best when you communicate with people in your lane, so try to find the best place and time to crow-storm. For your summoner abilities, use ghost and clarity. Ghost is effective with crow-storm, and clarity is great for emergencies.


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    April 2010



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