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4/29/2010 02:57:41 pm

Mordekaiser is a very balanced tank, but if used correctly can be one of the hardest champs to kill. Before we learn how to build him, let's learn about his unique game play style.

Mordekaiser can generate a shield from damaging enemies with his abilities. This means that ability power can actually help Mordekaiser tank (only use AP in runes, NOT items). Keeping your shield up will be your main concern playing as Mordekaiser.

Here's how we should build him:
1) Force of nature
2) Some kind of boots
3) Frozen Mallet

Force of nature should be your main item, but build the boots first. Once you have these items, you should start to construct a frozen mallet. This will be your most expensive item, so save it for last. Why should we get these items? Force of Nature and the boots will give you insane running speed (up to 467) depending on what boots you purchase. Also, Force of Nature will give you a large magic resistance boost and a lot of health regen! With your shield up, you can regenerate health while fighting!

You should spend all, if not most, of your masteries in defense. Also, buy health regen, armor penetration, ability power, and cooldown runes.

With this build, you should be ready to power own (pwn) with Mordekaiser!

Mordekaiser Startegies
4/29/2010 03:04:34 pm

Now we know how to build Mordekaiser,but we cant stop there. We need to learn how to play him the best we can.

Alternate between your (E) and (Q) abilities. They will be helpful when you build your shield.Children of the grave and Incinerate ( a summoner spell) are like wine and cheese. Use them together whenever you can! Also, upgrade (R) whenever possible. With incinerate, use heal (an essential spell which could save a tanks life).


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    April 2010



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